Tech Art Week 03: Lighting in UE4

For this assignment, we had to light a provided scene in UE4. Applying what we learned in class about lights, Post process volumes, and reflections spheres. Going into this assignment I was pretty nervousness, starting in a black unlit scene can be a daunting task. However I found that I was able to learn a lot in a very short time by finishing this task. I found talking to my fellow classmates and asking questions about their workflows really gave me a lot of incite on lighting approaches. 

(Final Lit Scenes)




(Detailed Lighting View with GI)

Here are some more breakdown shots of the scene with only the lighting displayed. As I mentioned above looking at a finished scene like this can be pretty daunting to look at, but just remember its like starting a new drawing on a black sheet of paper. Just start making light sketches (or in this case soft area lights) then slowly work your way towards the brighter light points and shadows.