Goals for the project:
- Recreate the concept of the reference image in the vane of Fortnite by Epic Games.
- Utilize Substance designer to create a wall and floor that will be displayed alongside the Truck.
- Finally, Display the final model in a scene posted to add more action and interest.
Project Begins 05/14 and ends 06/13
06/11 - 06/17:
- Finish Old Project Summer Project 01 Final Rendering
- Start Blockout of Summer Project 02 News Truck
06/18 - 06/24:
- High Poly Pass on every major shape
- Set up display in Marmoset
06/25 - 07/01:
- Resurface truck
- UV low Rez model
- Work on Texturing
- Start Substance designer aspects
06/06 - 06/13:
- Final Texturing
- Finish Substance Designer props
- Set up Rendering Passes